gupt roop se example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण Usage and Example of gupt roop se 1. मांझा देना, कन्ने बाँधना, पतंग टूनार्मेंट की तैयारियाँ आदि समस्याएँ सब गुप्त रूप से हल की जाती थीं। 2. मैं एक बार गुप्त रूप से अपने घर गया था। 3. “देखिए, ये वह पत्र है, जो कल गुप्त रूप से मेरे हाथ लगे है। 1. "He wandered backstage the hotel 2. He studied music, first secretly and against his father's will 3. However, disagreement with the parents sometimes secretly smoldering 4. In his name, his former chief of staff, Georges Pompidou, in February secretly made contact with G 5. Rebelling more or less secretly against an authority, discipline

Given are the examples of hindi word gupt roop se usage in english sentences. The examples of gupt roop se are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., undercover, confidentially, under the counter, behind the scenes, backstage, secretly, in secret, secretively, on the quiet, on the sly.

When the colonial government prevented people from entering the reserved forests, how could the iron smelters find wood for charcoal? Where could they get iron ore? Defying forest laws, they often entered the forests secretly and collected wood, but they could not sustain their occupation on this basis for long.

Corporate Defense Strategies (CDS) of Maywood, New Jersey, advised the firm to install a software program that could secretly log every single stroke of the suspects' computer keys and send an encrypted e-mail report to CDS.
Prison in Guantanamo Bay About 600 people were secretly picked up by the US forces from all over the world and put in a prison in Guantanamo Bay, an area near Cuba controlled by Amercian Navy.
Do you remember what you read about Rashsundari Debi in your book Social and Political Life last year? She was one of those who secretly learned to read and write in the flickering light of candles at night.
Often, in secret meetings, these reformers would violate caste taboos on food and touch, in an effort to get rid of the hold of caste prejudice in their lives.
I would secretly give it to them and make an extra one for myself.
You secretly place four rupees under this big rock.
संबंधित शब्द गुप्त रूप से के पर्यायवाची गुप्त रूप से के विपरीत शब्द